Our March club meeting was held on Saturday, March 9, at the Johnson County Extension Office in Iowa City, where two presentations were given. The first was by club Vice President Diane Derganz who gave an excellent overview of the Club Plant Program. This included the history of this Program, how members receive their plants, advice about giving your plants the best shot in your garden, how to evaluate your club plants, followed by information about the silent and live daylily auctions held in August. The second presentation came from club treasurer Jackie Westhoff who gave very helpful advice about growing Amaryllis and getting them to rebloom. Diane's presentation can be accessed here. On your behalf, I would like to thank both speakers for their time and expertise. President Heather Harroun led the business meeting (for agenda, please click here), for which minutes will be posted as soon as they become available. I was delighted to attend this meeting long-range from Colorado, thanks to Nancy Carlisle and Eli Hansen who set up the Zoom link and fielded questions from the Zoomers. Two business meeting items that particularly caught my attention were the following. First, that Sara Kelley, Dick & Jo Palmer, Rex & Judy Raub, and Jackie Westhoff have kindly offered to open up their gardens for our Garden Tour on July 13. Many thanks! And secondly, with the understanding that some clarification will be made with respect to wording of the club plant eligibility requirements, the recently revised Members' Handbook was voted in. Thank you to Board members for revising the document. More details about the business meeting will be provided in the minutes. A total of 31 members attended the meeting, nine of whom were on Zoom. I close this report by thanking Lyle Moen for his great photos. Meeting minutes, kindly recorded by Cari Rusnak, can be accessed here. Thank you, Cari! One last item! Click here for the list of daylily resources contributed by members at the March meeting,